Place: Cape l’Agulhas
Tune of the day: Free falling - Tom Petty
From Left to Right: me, Teijo, Markus, Pasi, Jukka, Ari and Pekka. Sitting down, Peter "Pan Bike" Ruotsalo. Cape Agulhas 17.11.2010.
This is as far as you can go with a bike. The reindeer antlers are still there.
This is the southernmost point.
Peter has done it yet again.
Buddy photo.
Pekka has cought a motorcycle.
It was the bikes fault as usual.
That damn Honda is not even dirty after all this travelling!
This adventure traveller did not make it.
How to begin a post like this? How to summarise the last nine weeks in a puchline?
Just to make it clear; we have now ridden from the northernmost point of continental Europe to the southernmost point of Africa. 22.000km or thereabouts. In about nine weeks and ahead of schedule. This is what we have achieved. In a nutshell, we fucking made it!
When you see that lighthouse next to the cape for the first time in the horizon, the feeling is something not easy to describe. You have the best feeling ever and you smile like a spanner. It has been good and it has been bad. Mostly it has been good as we have been on two wheels much of the time. As time goes by, the better it will get, so all is well...
We finally met up the guys who rode almost a thousand km yesterday and almost the same on the previous day to catch up on us. You can make good progress in these parts of Africa as the roads are good, there is no traffic and nothing to see in the countryside. We all arrived at the cape within a couple of minutes of each other, which was another example on how professional we are. Or it could have been just a coincidence...?
The last bit of riding to the cape was not too difficult apart from the wind. We were being thrown around by the wind like toys and just barely managed to stay on the right lane some of the time. This is most suitable as the winds in Nordkapp were quite something as well. No mist or rain here though.
In these conditions, some locals wanted to show us how they drive here. This was the ”overtaking without changing your lane” thing we have seen since Namibia. The biggest idiot was driving a grey VW and inched his way past us. This lasted in total for about ten minutes and the other (incoming traffic) lane had maybe three cars coming towards you during that time. He could have overtaken us easily and gotten back to the lane but chose to nearly run us off the road instead.
After taking many pictures at the Cape and in general just trying to take it all in, we found this little B&B place and chilled out.
This has been a great day any way you think of it. And we have a reason to be happy, no matter how hardy adventurer you might be. I believe some kind of a celebration involving beer and seafood is in order.
Tune of the day: Free falling - Tom Petty
Other tunes: Nightwish, Gun

How to begin a post like this? How to summarise the last nine weeks in a puchline?
Just to make it clear; we have now ridden from the northernmost point of continental Europe to the southernmost point of Africa. 22.000km or thereabouts. In about nine weeks and ahead of schedule. This is what we have achieved. In a nutshell, we fucking made it!
When you see that lighthouse next to the cape for the first time in the horizon, the feeling is something not easy to describe. You have the best feeling ever and you smile like a spanner. It has been good and it has been bad. Mostly it has been good as we have been on two wheels much of the time. As time goes by, the better it will get, so all is well...
We finally met up the guys who rode almost a thousand km yesterday and almost the same on the previous day to catch up on us. You can make good progress in these parts of Africa as the roads are good, there is no traffic and nothing to see in the countryside. We all arrived at the cape within a couple of minutes of each other, which was another example on how professional we are. Or it could have been just a coincidence...?
The last bit of riding to the cape was not too difficult apart from the wind. We were being thrown around by the wind like toys and just barely managed to stay on the right lane some of the time. This is most suitable as the winds in Nordkapp were quite something as well. No mist or rain here though.
In these conditions, some locals wanted to show us how they drive here. This was the ”overtaking without changing your lane” thing we have seen since Namibia. The biggest idiot was driving a grey VW and inched his way past us. This lasted in total for about ten minutes and the other (incoming traffic) lane had maybe three cars coming towards you during that time. He could have overtaken us easily and gotten back to the lane but chose to nearly run us off the road instead.
This has been a great day any way you think of it. And we have a reason to be happy, no matter how hardy adventurer you might be. I believe some kind of a celebration involving beer and seafood is in order.
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